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Do you feel sad looking at your worn-out and cracked concrete driveway? Don’t be, because concrete driveway resurfacing can revive it!

Actually, concrete driveway resurfacing will not just make your old driveway look as good as new; it will make it better than new!

Really? How’s that even possible? This post will tell you everything you need to know about concrete driveway resurfacing.

Concrete Driveway Resurfacing: Easy Guide

Believe it or not, concrete driveway resurfacing, without the need for replacing, has the power to transform your old driveway into a smooth and stunning surface that will make your neighbors green with envy.

So let’s get on with getting all the valuable information on concrete driveway resurfacing.

1. What is Concrete Driveway Resurfacing?

Concrete driveway resurfacing is a process of renewing the top layer of your driveway by applying a fresh coat of concrete or specialized resurfacing material. This method is a very popular concrete driveway resurfacing option.

The process is used to repair minor cracks, spalling, and surface imperfections, giving your driveway a revitalized appearance without the need for complete replacement. 

By addressing these issues early on, you can prevent further deterioration and extend the lifespan of your driveway.

When the top layer of your driveway becomes worn or damaged, it not only affects the overall aesthetics but also compromises the integrity of the surface. 

Resurfacing helps restore the concrete driveway strength and its functionality, making it safe for regular use.

The process involves carefully preparing the existing surface, applying a new layer of the resurfacing material, and finishing it to achieve a smooth and visually appealing result.

2. When to Consider Concrete Driveway Resurfacing?

You should consider concrete driveway resurfacing when you start noticing signs of damage and deterioration on the surface of your driveway. 

These signs may include cracks, pitting, scaling, or unevenness. What may appear to be minor blemishes will aggravate to a more serious problem, if corrective action is not taken.

Over time, exposure to harsh weather conditions, freeze-thaw cycles, heavy traffic, and chemical spills can take a toll on your driveway’s surface.

Resurfacing is a viable option, only if the underlying structure of the old concrete driveway is still in structurally sound condition. 

If the damage is limited to the top layer, resurfacing can effectively restore its appearance and functionality. 

However, if the base or foundation of your driveway is severely compromised, it may require a more extensive repair or even a complete replacement. 

Before you decide on concrete driveway resurfacing, it’s best to consult with a professional contractor. Let them examine the driveway and recommend the most appropriate solution.

3. Benefits of Concrete Driveway Resurfacing

Some of the benefits of concrete driveway resurfacing are:

Enhanced Appearance

Concrete driveway resurfacing can transform the look of your driveway, giving it a fresh and attractive appearance that complements your home’s aesthetics. 

With a variety of finishes and colors available, you can customize the look of your driveway to match your personal style.

Increased Durability

Resurfacing materials cover up and seal the cracks, preventing ingress of water into the concrete base. This will add years to your concrete driveway lifespan.

By applying a new layer of concrete or resurfacing material, your driveway gains added strength and abrasion resistance.

The new surface can withstand heavy loads, withstand weathering, and resist stains, ensuring that your driveway remains in optimal condition for years to come.

Improved Safety

Resurfacing smooths out uneven surfaces and eliminates hazards, such as potholes. This makes your driveway safer and easier to navigate. 

The new layer of resurfacing material provides a level and stable surface, ensuring a smooth driving experience and reducing the risk of accidents.


Concrete driveway resurfacing will save you money. The resurfacing cost is just a fraction of the cost of completely replacing your driveway.

Resurfacing eliminates the need for extensive demolition, disposal and reconstruction, saving you time and money.

4. Concrete Driveway Resurfacing Options

There are quite a few different options available for concrete driveway resurfacing. The ultimate choice, of course, depends on your preference and the driveway condition.

Here are some worth considering:

Resurfacing Option Pros Cons
Stained Concrete Overlay Enhanced aesthetics with a wide range of colors and patterns. Requires regular resealing for maintenance. Existing cracks or imperfections may still be visible after the overlay.
Stamped Concrete Overlay Versatile design options, offering various patterns, textures, and colors. Requires proper maintenance, including occasional resealing. Cost can be higher due to the complexity of the stamping process.
Microtopping Hides surface imperfections, providing a fresh and uniform appearance. Thinner overlay, so it may not be suitable for heavily damaged driveways. Requires proper surface preparation for optimal results.
Concrete Resurfacer Restores and renews worn-out driveways, extending their lifespan. Thicker overlay, which may require adjustments to door thresholds and other transitions. Existing cracks and damage may still be visible, depending on the severity.
Epoxy Coating Creates a strong, impact-resistant, and seamless surface. Offers a wide range of color and finish options. Easy to clean and maintain. Requires proper surface preparation and professional application. Can be more costly compared to other resurfacing options. May require periodic recoating in high-traffic areas.

For more information on these check out my earlier blog post, Exploring 5 Great Concrete Driveway Resurfacing Options.

5. Is Concrete Driveway Resurfacing DIY-Friendly?

This really depends on following factors:

  • Your skill and experience as a DIYer
  • Type of resurfacing material
  • Driveway area and condition

Resurfacing materials such as Rubber Coating are among the easiest to apply, whereas Epoxy Coating is a bit more difficult but still a DIY application.

A Plain or even a Colored Concrete Overlay is relatively simple and you can take it up as a DIY project, whereas, Stampable Concrete Overlay requires a fair degree of expertise and is best left to the hands of experienced professionals. 

Should you decide to DIY concrete driveway resurfacing, you must keep in mind that it involves the following steps:

  • Surface Preparation: This involves cleaning the driveway, repairing cracks and potholes, and ensuring a smooth and even surface. 
  • Material Selection & Application: Choosing the right resurfacing material and proper application is essential for durability and longevity. 
  • Equipment and Tools: Concrete driveway resurfacing often requires specialized equipment and tools, such as, concrete mixers, trowels, squeegees, stamping tools (if using overlays), and more. Professionals have access to these tools and know how to use them efficiently to achieve the desired results.
  • Experience and Expertise: Concrete resurfacing is a skill that comes with experience. Be prepared to make a few mistakes if it is your first time. 
  • Time and Effort: Resurfacing a concrete driveway can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. You may need help from friends and family. 

6. How to Resurface a Concrete Driveway?

Here’s a simplified step-by-step guide to resurfacing your concrete driveway:

Surface Preparation

Thoroughly clean the driveway surface, removing dirt, debris, and any loose materials. Use a pressure washer to wash the surface clean of oil spills, grease marks and any stains. 

Repair any major cracks or potholes by filling them up with a flexible crack filler or a cementitious patching compound. Let the surface be completely dry before applying the resurfacer.

Applying the Resurfacer

Start by applying a primer (bonding agent) to the prepared surface. In most cases a primer coat is required to ensure good adhesion between the resurfacer and the existing concrete. 

Mix the resurfacer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 

The application method will, of course, depend on the viscosity of the resurfacer. Low viscosity resurfacers can be applied by spray, medium viscosity by roller or brush and high viscosity by a trowel.

Make sure to spread the resurfacing material evenly onto the prepared surface. Work in small sections to ensure proper coverage and a consistent thickness.

Finishing Touches & Curing

Once the resurfacing material is applied, you can add decorative finishes, such as stamping or scoring, if desired. 

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the curing time and weather conditions. 

It’s important to allow the newly resurfaced driveway to cure properly before using it. Avoid parking vehicles or placing heavy objects on the surface until it has fully hardened.

7. Maintenance Tips 

To ensure the longevity of your resurfaced driveway, follow these maintenance tips:

Regular Cleaning

Sweep away debris and wash your driveway periodically with a mild detergent and water. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals that can damage the surface.

Ensure Proper Drainage

Check the drainage system around your driveway to ensure proper water flow. Improper drainage can lead to pooling of water, which can damage the resurfaced material over time. 

Clear any blockages and make sure water flows away from the driveway.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Certain chemicals, such as deicers containing ammonium nitrates or ammonium sulfates, can deteriorate the resurfacing material. Consider using sand or a non-corrosive de-icers, if possible.

Try using a shovel or a snow blower to remove snow and ice. However, the shovel should be made of plastic, rather than metal that could scrape the resurfacer coating.

Seal the Resurfacer

Applying a sealant to your resurfaced driveway can provide an extra layer of protection against stains, moisture, and UV damage. 


The Best Sealers for Your Concrete Driveway or Patio

A topical sealer is essential for protecting concrete surfaces from water permeation that can damage the concrete from within and compromise its lifespan.

I highly recommend Foundation Armor Concrete Sealers. Pick the one that best meets your aesthetic and application preference.

8. How Long Does Concrete Driveway Resurfacing Last?

The lifespan of a resurfaced concrete driveway depends on various factors, including the type and quality of materials used, the regularity of maintenance, and the climate conditions. 

When properly installed and maintained, a resurfaced driveway can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years. Of course you can re-apply the resurfacer and extend the life further. 

To maximize the lifespan of your resurfaced driveway, it’s important to follow the maintenance tips mentioned earlier. Periodic re-sealing, preferably every fall will certainly help.

Thank you very much for reading this post. I do hope you found it informative and helpful.

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