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Concrete Driveway vs Pavers: Which Is Right for You?

If you are planning to build a new driveway on your property, then the dilemma between concrete driveway vs pavers is bound to emerge. Of course you want something that’s durable, low-maintenance, and looks great. So which is right for you?

Concrete Driveway Vs Pavers: Pros & Cons

In this post I am going to examine the pros and cons of concrete driveways vs pavers in some detail. But here are the key takeaways in a nutshell.

Concrete Driveway vs Pavers: Pros & Cons (Key Takeaways)

Material Pros Cons
  • Durable
  • Low maintenance
  • Smooth surface
  • Customizable
  • High initial cost
  • Cracking
  • Design limitations
  • Professional installation required
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Flexibility
  • Weed resistance
  • Uneven surface
  • Complex installation
  • Higher maintenance
  • Uneven surface
  • More difficult to install

What is a Concrete Driveway?

A concrete driveway is essentially a slab-on-grade made by placing concrete mix over a well prepared soil support system. Concrete is a mixture of cement, water, sand, and gravel.

The concrete mix is poured into a form prepared on the base and allowed to cure under controlled conditions for 28 days, by when it achieves 99% of its maximum strength potential.

Concrete driveways are typically reinforced with rebars making them very strong and durable. They can withstand heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions.

Concrete driveways are also relatively easy to maintain, requiring only occasional sweeping and sealing.

Concrete driveways can be made in a variety of colors and textures. They can also be stamped or patterned to create a unique look.

However, concrete driveways can be expensive to install, and they can crack if not properly installed.

Concrete Driveway


  • Durability: Concrete driveways are known for their durability and can withstand heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions. They are also resistant to staining and fading, making them a good choice for areas with high foot traffic or where the driveway is exposed to the elements.
  • Low Maintenance: Once properly installed, concrete driveways require minimal maintenance. They do not need to be sealed or stained on a regular basis, and they are relatively easy to clean.
  • Smooth Surface: Concrete surfaces are smooth and even, making them easy to walk and drive on. This is especially important for people with mobility issues.
  • Customizable: Concrete driveways can be customized to match your home’s style with a variety of colors, textures, and finishes. You can also add stamped concrete patterns to create a unique look.


  • High Initial Cost: Concrete driveways are more expensive to install than pavers.
  • Cracking: Concrete can crack over time, especially in areas with extreme temperature fluctuations. This can be unsightly and can also lead to water damage.
  • Design Limitations: Concrete driveways have fewer design options than pavers. They are typically limited to a rectangular or square shape.
  • Not DIY Friendly: Concrete driveways should only be installed by professionals. This is because concrete is a complex material to work with and requires precise measurements and attention to detail.

What is a Paver Driveway?

A paver driveway is built by laying individual pavers on a solid base. The base could be a bed of sand or compacted gravel. For a more permanent arrangement they could even be installed on a concrete slab.

Pavers can be made from a variety of materials, including concrete, brick, stone, etc. They also come in different shapes but will interlock with each other

Paver driveways are known for their aesthetic appeal and flexibility. Paver driveways are also more resistant to cracking than concrete driveways.

The joints between the pavers need to be swept and filled with sand or gravel on a regular basis to prevent weeds from growing. It is sometimes difficult to find replacements if some individual pavers get damaged.

Paver Driveway


  • Aesthetic Appeal: Pavers offer a wide range of design possibilities, allowing you to create a unique and attractive driveway. You can choose from a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and materials to create a driveway that reflects your personal style.
  • Flexibility: Pavers can be easily repaired or replaced if damaged, without the need to replace the entire driveway. This makes pavers a good choice for homeowners who want to save money on maintenance costs.
  • DIY-friendly: Pavers are more DIY-friendly than concrete driveways, making them a good option for homeowners who want to save money on installation costs. However, it is important to note that pavers can be more difficult to install than concrete, so it is important to do your research before attempting a DIY project.
  • Crack Resistant: Pavers are less likely to crack than concrete driveways, as they can flex with the ground. This makes them a good choice for areas with expansive soils or where the driveway is exposed to frost heave.


  • High Maintenance: Pavers require more maintenance than concrete driveways, including occasional re-leveling and weed removal. Weeds can grow in the joints between the pavers, which can be unsightly and difficult to remove.
  • Uneven Surface: Pavers may settle unevenly over time, creating an uneven driving surface. This can be a safety hazard, especially for people with mobility issues.
  • Complex Installation: Pavers can be more difficult to install than concrete driveways, requiring precision and attention to detail. This is especially true if you are creating a complex design.

So Which Material is Best for You?

The best material for you will depend on your budget, needs, and preferences.

If you’re looking for a short driveway that you would like to take up as a DIY project I would recommend going for a paver driveway.

To get the most out of your paver driveway make sure to build a well compacted gravel base. Use high quality gravel with a good size mix and angular profile.

If you need to build a fairly long driveway on a budget, a concrete driveway is a more affordable choice. Even if you have to engage professionals to do the work.

A concrete driveway can be poured and finished pretty fast so the man hours per square foot of concrete driveway is quite reasonable. The material cost per square foot is lower than pavers too.

It is a good idea to talk to a local driveway contractor and get some estimates for both options. They can help you assess your needs and budget and make a recommendation that’s right for you.

EXPERT TIP: Whether you go for a concrete or a paver driveway, you can increase the lifespan by regular maintenance and periodic sealing of the driveway surface.


The Best Sealers for Your Concrete Driveway or Patio

A topical sealer is essential for protecting concrete surfaces from water permeation that can damage the concrete from within and compromise its lifespan.

I highly recommend Foundation Armor Concrete Sealers. Pick the one that best meets your aesthetic and application preference.

Thank you very much for reading this post. I do hope you found it informative and helpful.

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