Best Way to Build Crushed Concrete Driveway + Benefits & Drawbacks is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

A crushed concrete driveway may not have the same durability and finish of a poured concrete driveway but it does have the advantage of being permeable, eco-friendly and cost-effective.

In spite of some of its drawbacks, a crushed concrete driveway is a popular choice, especially amongst owners of rural homes and pastoral buildings and farms.

Best Way to Build Crushed Concrete Driveway + Benefits & Drawbacks


  • Uses recycled environmentally friendly building material
  • Cost effective and budget friendly
  • Easy to install and DIY friendly
  • Permeable, reduces stormwater runoff, eco friendly

What is Crushed Concrete?

Crushed concrete is made from recycled concrete that has been broken down into small pieces using heavy duty crushers. It is also known as recycled concrete aggregate or RCA. 

Crushed concrete is a popular material choice for many construction and hardscape projects because it is cheaper and more ecological than trucking rubble to a landfill.

RCA is an environmentally-friendly way of handling waste concrete, as it

  • significantly reduces landfill space usage, 
  • helps conserve natural resources used in the manufacturing process of new concrete
  • minimizes emissions generated in transportation and disposal of old concrete

Crushed concrete is available in a variety of sizes, from fine gravel to coarse chunks. 

It is widely used in the construction of crushed concrete driveways as an alternative to poured concrete driveways.

The Benefits of a Crushed Concrete Driveway


Crushed concrete can be used in a variety of applications, including driveways, walkways, gardens, and drainage areas.

It is also a popular choice for permeable driveways, which allow water to drain through the surface.


Crushed concrete is a more affordable option than traditional concrete.

The cost of a crushed concrete driveway is typically about half the cost of a poured concrete driveway.


Crushed concrete is made from recycled materials, so it is a more environmentally friendly choice than traditional concrete.

Ease of installation

Crushed concrete is easier to install than traditional concrete. It can be installed by a qualified contractor or even by a homeowner with basic DIY skills.


Crushed concrete can be used to create permeable driveways that allow water to drain through the surface. This helps to reduce stormwater runoff and flooding.

The Drawbacks of a Crushed Concrete Driveway


A crushed concrete driveway is less durable than a traditional poured concrete driveway.

The crushed concrete pieces can migrate and sink in the grade resulting in an uneven surface.


Crushed concrete driveways do not have the same aesthetic appeal as that of traditional concrete driveways.

It has the looks and texture of a gravel driveway. It is not suitable for all homes, especially modern homes in large towns and cities.


Crushed concrete can compact and sink over time. This can create uneven spots on the driveway and make it difficult to drive on.


Crushed concrete can generate dust, especially in high-traffic areas. This can be a problem for people with allergies or respiratory problems.

Best Way to Build a Crushed Concrete Driveway

One of the challenges in making a stable crushed concrete driveway is to hold the individual pieces so that they do not move. This has to be done without using any binder.

Stabilize Crushed Concrete with TRUEGRID Pavers

TRUEGRID makes plastic pavers that interlock together to stabilize crushed concrete, creating a durable, level driving surface that never thins or spreads.

The Installation Process

  1. Excavate your driveway to a depth of 6 to 8 inches.
  2. Lay a geotextile fabric liner to prevent concrete migration and serve as a weed block.
  3. Pour crushed concrete into the excavated area and compact it.
  4. Snap TRUEGRID pavers into place over the filled pit.
  5. Pour more crushed concrete into the paver cells and compact it.

The Benefits of Using TRUEGRID Pavers

  • Durability: TRUEGRID pavers can last 60 years with almost no maintenance.
  • Low maintenance: No need to seal or sealcoat.
  • Permeability: Allows water to drain through, reducing stormwater runoff and flooding.
  • Cost-effectiveness: A more affordable option than traditional concrete driveways.


The Best Geotextile Driveway Fabric for Your Driveway & Patio Base

Geotextile driveway fabric is a supportive layer that is laid between the compacted subgrade and the sub-base aggregates to prevent the migration and loss of the aggregates in to the subgrade. It helps stabilize the ground, permit drainage and prevent weed growth.

Here is the Geotextile Driveway Fabric I recommend.

Happy Buy Driveway Geotextile Fabric

A woven polypropylene fabric that is durable and corrosion-resistant, and can withstand a grab tensile strength of 600 pounds.

Crushed Concrete vs Poured Concrete Driveway

Here is a table comparing the pros and cons of a crushed concrete vs poured concrete driveway:

Characteristic Crushed Concrete Poured Concrete
Cost Less expensive More expensive
Durability Less durable More durable
Appearance Not as aesthetically pleasing More aesthetically pleasing
Ease of installation Easier to install More difficult to install
Permeability More permeable Less permeable
Maintenance Requires more regular maintenance Requires less regular maintenance

Bottom Line

Crushed concrete is a versatile and affordable option for driveways. However, it is important to consider the pros and cons before making a decision.

If you are looking for an eco-friendly and cost-effective driveway material, crushed concrete is a good option.

However, for a durable and aesthetically pleasing driveway, you may want to consider other materials such as poured concrete or asphalt.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Crushed-Up Concrete Called?

Crushed-up concrete is called recycled concrete aggregate (RCA).

Is Crushed Concrete Better Than Crushed Asphalt?

Crushed concrete and crushed asphalt have different pros and cons. Crushed concrete is more eco-friendly, but crushed asphalt is more durable.

Is Crushed Concrete the Same as Gravel?

Crushed concrete is made from recycled concrete, while gravel is found in nature and crushed. Crushed concrete is typically larger than gravel.

Thank you very much for reading this post. I do hope you found it informative and helpful.

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