How to Remove Gum from Concrete Driveways? (5 Methods from OK to Best) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Why do you need to and how to remove gum from concrete driveways?

You need to remove gum from concrete driveways because, well, it’s just plain unsightly! Nobody wants to see sticky blobs littering their driveway, right?

Gum gets all gooey and messy, especially on hot days, making stepping on it an extremely unpleasant experience.

How to Remove Gum from Concrete Driveways?

Gum contains sticky compounds that bond tightly with porous surfaces like concrete. When gum comes into contact with the driveway, it adheres due to its adhesive properties, making it difficult to remove.

Concrete is porous, so gum seeps into the pores over time and gets ingrained there. The longer you wait to take action, the more difficult it gets to remove gum from your concrete driveway.

Removing gum from concrete poses challenges due to its resilient nature. The gum’s adhesion to the surface, coupled with its tendency to harden over time, complicates the removal process.

How to Remove Gum from Concrete Driveways?

If you scour the internet you will find many methods of how to remove gum from concrete driveways. Do they work? Yes, for the most part, but many will still leave some gum or gum stain on the concrete.

So, choose your method wisely!

1. Manual Scrubbing:

Using a stiff brush or scraper, physically remove the gum by scrubbing it off the surface of the concrete. This method can be time-consuming and labor-intensive but is often effective for fresh gum deposits.

A quick remedy for just one wad of gum but chances are you will still leave some gum sticking to the concrete surface. Unfortunately, this will collect dust and become unsightly over time!

2. Pressure Washing:

Pressure washing is, more often than not, suggested as an effective method on how to remove gum from concrete driveways.

Does it work? It sure does! Using a high-pressure washer can help dislodge gum from the surface of the concrete. However, if you have to deal with just a wad or two of chewing gum, then pressure washing is surely an overkill.

Moreover, just like scraping, you are either going to leave some gum behind or scrape off a bit of the concrete too.

Don’t get me wrong. Pressure washing is an efficient and effective way of cleaning a driveway. It’s just not worth the effort (and water wastage) for a wad of gum!

3. WD-40 Non-Aerosol Trigger Pro Spray

WD-40 Non-Aerosol Trigger Pro Spray or a similar product is sure to be lying around any household. If you do not have one, do get one for sure.

WD-40 Non-Aerosol Trigger Pro Spray works on gum stuck to a concrete driveway as well. Just spray it on the gum, wait a bit and the gum will soften. You can now scrape it off or wipe it off with a rag dipped in solvent or degreaser

I like WD-40 Non-Aerosol Trigger Pro Spray  as it is

  • Readily available in most households
  • Multi-use non-aerosol spray with a durable trigger for controlled application.
  • One formula with five functions: lubricates, penetrates, protects, removes, and displaces moisture.
  • A versatile “toolkit in a can” for a wide range of tasks with over 2,000 different uses.


The Best Multi-Purpose Lubricant

The best DIY Multipurpose Lubricant is WD-40 Non-Aerosol Trigger Pro Spray. This multi-purpose lubricant is truly a “toolkit in a can”. Harness the power of WD-40 as you get every job done with ease. This formula has been around for over 60 years and has over 2,000 different uses.

WD-40 Non-Aerosol Trigger Pro Spray

WD-40 Multi-Use offers one formula with five functions. It lubricates, penetrates, protects, removes, and displaces moisture. WD-40 Multi-Use doesn’t use silicone, kerosene, water, graphite, or chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

4. Ice is Nice

Using ice to remove gum from a concrete driveway is a simple and effective method. Here’s how it works: 

1. Freeze the Gum: 

Place ice cubes directly onto the gum stuck on the concrete surface. The cold temperature from the ice causes the gum to harden and become brittle.

2. Chip Away: 

Once the gum has frozen solid, use a blunt object like a spoon or a flat-edged scraper to gently chip away at the gum. Be careful not to damage the concrete surface while doing so.

3. Repeat if Necessary: 

Depending on the size and thickness of the gum deposit, you may need to apply more ice and repeat the process until the gum is completely removed.

4. Clean Up: 

After removing the gum, clean the area with warm, soapy water to remove any remaining residue.

Using ice to remove gum is a safe and environmentally friendly method that doesn’t require any harsh chemicals. It’s particularly useful for smaller gum deposits and can be done easily with items readily available at home.

5. But Combo is the Best!

In my experience the best way of how to remove gum from concrete driveways is to use a combo of ice and WD-40.

Place ice on the gum stuck to the concrete. Once the gum becomes brittle, scrape it off with a stiff plastic spatula or a blunt metal spoon. This way you do not scratch the concrete surface.

At the end of this process, there may still be some gum stain on the concrete surface. Spray the spot with WD-40 Non-Aerosol Trigger Pro Spray, wait for the gum stain to soften and then wipe it off with a rag dipped in solvent.

Thank you very much for reading this post. I do hope you found it informative and helpful.

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