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Did you know that if you reseal concrete driveway at regular intervals, you can enhance its durability?

And of course your driveway will look fresh and vibrant, which in turn increases the curb appeal of your house.

How To Reseal Concrete Driveway: A Comprehensive Guide

In this comprehensive guide I cover all that you need to know about why and how to successfully reseal concrete driveway.

Key Takeaways – Reseal Concrete Driveway

  • Resealing enhances the looks, protects and increases life.
  • Test efficacy of existing sealer every fall & reseal if required.
  • Clean the driveway thoroughly. Repair any cracks or potholes.
  • Choose the right sealer. Check out my recommendation below.
  • Apply the sealer evenly and let it dry & cure completely.

Why Reseal Concrete Driveway?

It is very important to reseal concrete driveway for following reasons.

  1. A topical sealer helps protect the concrete from damage caused by harsh weather conditions, UV rays, crack propagation, and regular wear and tear. 
  2. A quality sealer acts as a barrier, preventing water, oil, and other substances from penetrating the surface and causing stains, cracks, or erosion.
  3. When you reseal your concrete driveway you can enhance the overall aesthetics and give it a fresh and vibrant look.

When to Reseal Concrete Driveway?

It is time to consider resealing your concrete driveway whenever you see the following visual signs:

Water Absorption: Perform a simple water test by sprinkling some water on the surface of your driveway. If the water drops are readily absorbed or form puddles instead of beading up, it’s time to reseal.

Visible Stains: Oil, grease, or other stains that have penetrated the concrete surface are indications that the sealer has weakened. Resealing will help prevent future staining.

Fading Color: If you notice that the color of your concrete driveway has become dull or faded, it’s a clear sign that the sealer has worn off, and resealing is necessary.

I recommend that you must do the water absorption test in late fall. In case the existing sealer coat is not effective, this is a good time to reseal concrete driveway.

The sealer will protect your driveway from the harsh winter conditions.

Prep to Reseal Concrete Driveway

Before applying the sealer, proper preparation is crucial to ensure a successful resealing process. Here’s what you need to do:

Clean the Surface

Thoroughly sweep the driveway to remove loose dirt, debris, and leaves. Use a pressure washer or hose with a high-pressure nozzle to clean the surface.

If there are stains, use a concrete cleaner or a degreaser, and scrub with a stiff brush.

Repair Cracks

Inspect your driveway for any cracks, potholes, or other damage. Repair these areas using a suitable concrete patching compound or filler. 

Allow the repairs to cure completely before proceeding.

Choosing the Right Sealer

Selecting the right sealer is essential for long-lasting results. Here are the key considerations:

Type of Sealer

There are various types of sealers available, including acrylic, penetrating, and epoxy-based sealers. Consult with a professional or your local home improvement store to determine which sealer is best suited for your specific driveway conditions.

Durability and Aesthetics

Consider the durability of the sealer and its ability to withstand weather conditions in your area. 

If you have specific aesthetic preferences, such as a glossy or matte finish, choose a sealer that will result in the desired look.

How To Reseal Concrete Driveway

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to reseal your concrete driveway:


The Best Sealers for Your Concrete Driveway or Patio

A topical sealer is essential for protecting concrete surfaces from water permeation that can damage the concrete from within and compromise its lifespan.

I highly recommend Foundation Armor Concrete Sealers. Pick the one that best meets your aesthetic and application preference.

Gather the necessary materialsCollect all the materials needed for the resealing process, such as concrete cleaner, pressure washer, stiff bristle brush, concrete sealer, and protective gear.
Prepare the drivewayRemove loose dirt, debris, and dry leaves from the driveway’s surface using a broom or leaf blower. Sweep the edges and corners thoroughly.
Clean the surfaceApply a concrete cleaner or degreaser to the driveway and let it sit for a few minutes. Scrub the surface with a stiff bristle brush or broom, then rinse with a pressure washer or hose.
Inspect and repairCarefully inspect the driveway for cracks or damage. Use a suitable concrete patching compound to repair any issues following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Choose the right sealerSelect a high-quality concrete sealer suitable for your driveway’s needs. Consider factors such as durability, UV resistance, and desired appearance. Make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions.
Apply the sealerPour the sealer into a roller tray or in a sprayer. Apply an even coat to the driveway. Avoid puddling or overlapping. Use a brush for hard-to-reach areas.
Allow drying and curingLet the sealer dry and cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Avoid foot or vehicle traffic during this period.
Additional coats (if necessary)Apply multiple coats if needed, following the manufacturer’s recommended wait time between coats. Ensure even coverage.
Clean up and maintenanceClean tools and equipment according to the product instructions. Regularly maintain the resealed driveway by keeping it clean and promptly addressing spills or stains.


How often should a concrete driveway be resealed?

Please perform the water absorption test to determine if you need to reseal the concrete driveway.

In any case resealing every fall is a great idea, especially if winters are harsh in your area.

Regularly inspect your driveway and reseal it when signs of wear, fading, or reduced water repellency become noticeable.

Can I reseal my concrete driveway myself?

Resealing a concrete driveway is a relatively simple DIY project. Do some research and pick the right sealer and equipment.

It is a good idea to watch a YouTube video for guidance.

Will resealing my concrete driveway make it completely waterproof?

Resealing your concrete driveway will significantly enhance its resistance to water penetration and damage from moisture.

However, no sealer can make concrete completely waterproof.

To wrap it up, when you reseal concrete driveway periodically you keep it in top shape for the long haul.

By using my comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to safeguard your driveway from damage, give it a fresh look, and enjoy a durable and inviting surface that will stand the test of time.

So, go ahead and give your concrete driveway the TLC it deserves by resealing it and ensuring years of functionality and curb appeal.

Thank you very much for reading this post. I do hope you found it informative and helpful.

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